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Get the most
out of the sun




Private households must become independent due to rising electricity costs by purchasing a private photovoltaic system. Generating your own renewable solar power reduces costs, protects the environment, and contributes to transforming the energy industry towards sustainability.



As a system operator or engineer you should choose competent and reliable partner for your photovoltaic projects. Our experience, broad product portfolio, and tailored services make us your ideal partner in implementing photovoltaic projects. We’re specialists in photovoltaics. Our services range from planning and supplying high-quality components to complete project solutions.


Business Customers

Demand and subsidies for projects utilizing photovoltaic systems are higher than ever. At the same time, the ever-increasing uncertainty of the geopolitical situation and pandemics question supply security and make it challenging to plan ahead.

Building a high-quality and efficient photovoltaic system is a smart investment. You or your customers benefit from greater planning security and cost savings. Projects to generate solar power for commercial, industrial, and private household use require a broad portfolio of products and services. Based on our experience we understand individual requirements and can provide tailored solutions.

We can offer you a customised solution for your photovoltaic system for both on-roof systems (flat roof, pitched roof, etc.) and open spaces (car park, agricultural area, etc.). Visit our B2B shop or inquire using our contact form.

Private Customers

Would you like to generate solar power and increase your energy independence? Your own photovoltaic system to generate solar power saves you money and improves your carbon footprint. Investing in your photovoltaic system allows you to generate safe and sustainable energy.

We provide state of the art solar modules that are at the heart of your new power generation system. Coupled with an inverter, battery storage, and a charging station for your electric car, you can optimise your electricity consumption and reduce costs.

Small photovoltaic power systems for owners of apartments or houses can be a valuable addition by efficiently producing solar energy for self-consumption. So-called small-scale generator systems are permit-free in Austria with up to 800W and only need to be registered with your grid operator.

Our high-quality and efficient products offer you a path to your own photovoltaic system in any size. Simply visit our online shop!

About us

We specialize in photovoltaics as the leading technology, which is an excellent fit for building reliable energy plants in all sizes and places.

PV Planning

PV Products





funding process




Project management